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Cross-media in Italian on the policies of European institutions and governments of European Union countries

Cross-media in Italian on the policies of European institutions and governments of European Union countries

Il rilancio economico e produttivo dell'UE secondo Marco Buti e Marcello MessoriI Winter Dialogues di EuropoliticheThe Munich Security Conference in Germany from 14 to 16 FebruaryBudget 2028–2035, Dombrovskis: "These will be challenging years"Trump Tariffs: E.U. Vows CountermeasuresFrom Monday 10 February, the European Parliament will hold a plenary sessionEU Leaders discuss defence and transatlantic relations at informal meetingDialoghi d'inverno: "Fare l'Europa, fare la pace", presentiamo il libro di Luca JahierSpinelli Group presented Project 27EU Commission presents its compass to boost Europe's competitiveness in the next five yearsSerbia: Vučević resigns after months of protestsWorld Leaders Gather To Commemorate 80th Anniversary Of Auschwitz LiberationDavos 2025: European leaders' reactions to the policies announced by TrumpCouncil of Europe launches European Year of Digital Citizenship Education 2025President Von der Leyen at the EP Plenary: innovation, energy, economic resilience and securityMacron et Scholz promettent une Europe forte et unieDonald Trump is sworn in as the 47th US President in the USEU defense: invitation letter by President Costa to the members of the EU CouncilIn memoria del professor Raimondo Cagiano de AzevedoPoland takes over EU Presidency for the second time in its historyRomania and Bulgaria fully join Europe’s borderless travel zoneGerman election 2025: Parties present campaign platformsFrance : Lombard doit surtout préparer dans l’urgence un budget pour 2025France : la composition du nouveau gouvernement de François Bayrou, dévoiléeLa federazione mondiale di Alcide ScarabinoTwo months of election campaign in GermanyL'esito della selezione per la visita a StrasburgoThe fall of the Assad regime and the new Syria. Doubts and prudence from Brussels and European capitalsGeorgia: anti-EU President elected as protests continueLa France a son Premier Ministre, il s'agit de François BayrouRomanian court annuls result of presidential electionRéouverture de Notre-Dame: les dirigeants du monde entier à ParisECB's Lagarde says the outlook for the Eurozone is uncertainFrance, la fin du gouvernement Barnier : Macron parlera à la nationThe conclusions adopted by Cop 29 in Baku

France, le résultat des élections est surprenant. La gauche unie gagne, l’extrême droite seulement troisi

08-07-2024 07:16


Europolitiche, Macron , Melenchon, ensemble, election legislatives, Francia France, elezioni opolitiche in Francia, 7 luglio 2024, nouveau front populaire, rassemblemnt nationale, le pen marina, jordan bardella, la gauche unie,

France, le résultat des élections est surprenant. La gauche unie gagne, l’extrême droite seulement troisième derrière les macroniens

In Francia, domenica 7 luglio al secondo turno delle elezioni politiche ha vinto la sinistra unita. La destra estrema solo terza dopo i macroniani.

FR - Avec une victoire éclatante, le Nouveau Front populaire de la gauche unie a remporté le plus grand nombre de parlementaires à la prochaine Assemblée nationale au deuxième tour des élections politiques en France, dimanche 7 juillet. Les résultats et les données définitives du ministère de l'Intérieur indiquent que sur 577 députés, ceux du NFP seront 192. Ensemble, la formation d'Emmanuel Macron, en a obtenu 168. Tandis que le Rassemblement National de Marine Le Pen et Jordan Bardella n'est que troisième avec 143 députés élus. Mais si les chiffres indiquent que le président a gagné son pari contre toute attente en convoquant des élections anticipées après la défaite aux élections européennes, une phase de négociation compliquée s'ouvre désormais pour le gouvernement. Personne n’est en nombre suffisant pour former une majorité autonome. Le 18 juillet, les députés devront élire le président de la Chambre. Ce seront des jours où l’on saura quelle coalition gouvernera un grand pays fondateur de l’Union européenne.


EN -  With a resounding victory, the New Popular Front of the United Left won the largest number of parliamentarians in the next National Assembly in the second round of political elections in France, Sunday July 7. The results and definitive data from the Ministry of the Interior say that out of 577 deputies, those of the NFP will be 192. Ensemble, Emmanuel Macron's formation, obtained 168. While the Rassemblement National of Marine Le Pen and Jordan Bardella is only third with 143 elected deputies. But if the numbers say that the president won against all odds in his gamble by calling early elections after the defeat in the European elections, a complicated negotiation phase now opens for the government. Nobody has the numbers to form an autonomous majority. On 18 July the deputies will have to elect the president of the Chamber. These will be days in which it will be understood which coalition will govern a large founding country of the European Union.


IT - Con una vittoria clamorosa in Francia, il Nuovo Fronte Popolare delle sinistre unite si aggiudica il maggior numero di parlamentari alla prossima Assemblée Nationale al secondo turno di domenica 7 luglio delle elezioni politiche. I risultati e i dati definitivi del ministero dell’Interno dicono che su 577 deputati quelli del Nfp saranno 192. Ensemble, la formazione di Emmanuel Macron, ne ha ottenuti 168. Mentre il Rassemblement National di Marine Le Pen e Jordan Bardella è solo terzo con 143 deputati eletti. Ma se i numeri dicono che il presidente ha vinto contro tutti i pronostici la sua scommessa convocando le elezioni anticipate dopo la sconfitta alle europee, adesso si apre una complicata fase negoziale per il governo. Nessuno ha i numeri per formare una maggioranza autonoma. Il 18 luglio i deputati dovranno eleggere il presidente della Camera. Saranno giorni in cui si capirà quale coalizione governerà un grande paese fondatore dell'Unione europea.





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