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Cross-media in Italian on the policies of European institutions and governments of European Union countries

Cross-media in Italian on the policies of European institutions and governments of European Union countries

Visita di studio a Strasburgo: open call for participantsThe conclusions adopted by Cop 29 in BakuThe new Commission wants to strengthen the institutions and processes of EU foreign and security policyVon der Leyen entrusts two experts with green and digital portfoliosThe new Commissioners have been working on the economic dossiersEU Parliament approves Von der Leyen Commission IIMEPs approve EU budget 2025L'importanza della nostra serata dedicata a Ursula Hirschmann a FirenzeGermany: Scholz will still lead the SPD in the next general elections in FebruaryUrsula Hirschmann, come in una giostra: a Firenze il quarto incontro del nostro ciclo Europei UnitiIl futuro dell’Unione Europea. Intervista di Silvana Paruolo all’Ambasciatore Cosimo RisiValori europei e processo di approfondimento e allargamento dell'UEGermany: Scholz moves forward without FDPEuropean reactions to Donald Trump's election victoryMoldova: Maia Sandu wins second presidential termMiersch is the new secretary of the SPDEU hits Chinese-made EVs with new tariffsEESC hosts Enlargement High-Level ForumVon der Leyen visits the Western BalkansECB cuts interest rates to support flagging eurozone economyEuropolitiche has won the project Erasmus Plus “Cross Media Europe”EU states approve tariffs on Chinese electric carsPro-European Bilateral in Berlin between the Presidents of Germany and Italy. Mattarella also met ScholzVon der Leyen attended the 79th United Nations General AssemblyMichel attended the UN Summit of the FutureGermany : Social Democrats won elections in BrandenburgFrance : l’Elysée officialise la composition du nouveau gouvernement BarnierEU votes to allow Ukraine to hit legitimate army targets in RussiaVon der Leyen presents new composition of EU CommissionEuropean Commissioners absent and few ministers present at Ecofin and Eurogroup in Budapest in SeptemberECB cuts interest rates to 3.5%Mario Draghi's Competitiveness Report shows how to save the EUMacron confie à Barnier le gouvernement d’une France agitée et diviséeUE: come vincere la sfida con la storia. Intervista al professor Luigi TroianiGermany: The results of the elections in Thuringia and Saxony

July 2024: a month of major european political events

29-07-2024 08:57


Europolitiche, Macro/Scenari, unione europea, politica europea, storia europea, Von der Leyen, politique europeenne, luglio 2024 , eventi politici europei, union europeenne, european union, etats unis, united states, stit uniti, european politics, july 2024, jiullet 2024,

July 2024: a month of major european political events

Juillet 2024 a été un mois d’événements politiques européensLuglio 2024 è stato un mese di eventi politici europei di grande rilievo.

EN - July 2024 was a month of major European political events. The policies agreed in 2019 with the popular, social democratic and liberal parliamentary forces by Ursula Von der Leyen are found, in broad terms, confirmed, also by the ecologists, in the presentation speech for her second mandate. The same parliamentary groups as in 2019 supported the President, with the addition of the Greens. A new legislature is inaugurated that is hoped to be less conditioned than the previous one by unexpected pandemics and wars.

The new variables that will impact the EU have names and surnames from Washington around which the real alignments for the final race for the White House emerged in July. Biden's renunciation, Harris' rise, Trump's stubborn resilience reverberate on the November elections from which we will have the new US president in January 2025. The European Union lives, as we know, of an indispensable tension towards the integration of social, industrial and certainly defense systems now, but it also needs in the immediate future a pragmatic symmetry of political direction with the United States. The White House and Berlaymont must remain allies in support of a people attacked in Eastern Europe by Russia, which in a few years has gone from being a major energy partner for Brussels to a looming threat of a physiological enlargement of the EU to the east.


FR - Juillet 2024 a été un mois d’événements politiques européens majeurs. Les politiques convenues en 2019 avec les forces parlementaires populaires, sociales-démocrates et libérales par Ursula Von der Leyen se trouvent, dans leurs grandes lignes, confirmées, également par les écologistes, dans le discours de présentation du deuxième mandat. Les mêmes groupes parlementaires qu'en 2019 soutiennent le Président, avec en plus les Verts. Une législature est inaugurée, on espère qu’elle sera moins conditionnée que la précédente par les pandémies et les guerres inattendues.

Les nouvelles variables qui auront un impact sur l’UE ont des noms et des prénoms venus de Washington autour desquels les véritables alignements pour la course finale à la Maison Blanche ont émergé en juillet. La démission de Biden, la montée en puissance de Harris, la résilience obstinée de Trump se répercuteront sur les élections de novembre, à l'issue desquelles nous aurons le nouveau président américain en janvier 2025. L’Union européenne vit, comme nous le savons, d’une tension indispensable vers l’intégration des systèmes sociaux, industriels et certainement de défense, mais elle a aussi immédiatement besoin d’une symétrie pragmatique d’orientation politique avec les États-Unis. La Maison Blanche et le Berlaymont doivent rester alliés pour soutenir un peuple attaqué en Europe de l’Est par la Russie, passée en quelques années du statut de partenaire énergétique de premier plan pour Bruxelles à la menace imminente d’un élargissement physiologique de l’UE à l’Est.


IT - Luglio 2024 è stato un mese di eventi politici europei di grande rilievo. Le politiche concordate nel 2019 con le forze parlamentari popolari, socialdemocratiche e liberali da Ursula Von der Leyen, si ritrovano, a grandi linee, confermate nel discorso di presentazione del secondo mandato. A sostenere la Presidente gli stessi gruppi parlamentari del 2019, con l'aggiunta dei Verdi europei. Si inaugura una legislatura che si auspica meno condizionata come nella precedente da pandemie e guerre inattese. 

Le nuove variabili che impatteranno sull'Ue hanno nomi e cognomi di Washington intorno ai quali sono emersi a luglio i veri schieramenti per la corsa finale alla Casa Bianca. La rinuncia di Biden, l'ascesa di Harris, l'ostinata resilienza di Trump si riverberano sulle elezioni di novembre dalle quali avremo a gennaio del 2025 il nuovo presidente Usa. L'Unione europea vive, si sa, di irrinunciabile tensione all'integrazione dei sistemi sociali, industriali, sicuramente di difesa ormai ma ad essa serve nell'immediato anche una pragmatica simmetria d'indirizzo politico con gli Stati Uniti. Casa Bianca e Berlaymont devono restare alleati in sostegno di un popolo aggredito nell'Europa orientale da una Russia, passata in pochi anni da partner energetico di primo piano per Bruxelles a incombente minaccia di un fisiologico allargamento a est dell"UE.


Antonio De Chiara



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