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Cross-media in Italian on the policies of European institutions and governments of European Union countries

Cross-media in Italian on the policies of European institutions and governments of European Union countries

Il rilancio economico e produttivo dell'UE secondo Marco Buti e Marcello MessoriI Winter Dialogues di EuropoliticheThe Munich Security Conference in Germany from 14 to 16 FebruaryBudget 2028–2035, Dombrovskis: "These will be challenging years"Trump Tariffs: E.U. Vows CountermeasuresFrom Monday 10 February, the European Parliament will hold a plenary sessionEU Leaders discuss defence and transatlantic relations at informal meetingDialoghi d'inverno: "Fare l'Europa, fare la pace", presentiamo il libro di Luca JahierSpinelli Group presented Project 27EU Commission presents its compass to boost Europe's competitiveness in the next five yearsSerbia: Vučević resigns after months of protestsWorld Leaders Gather To Commemorate 80th Anniversary Of Auschwitz LiberationDavos 2025: European leaders' reactions to the policies announced by TrumpCouncil of Europe launches European Year of Digital Citizenship Education 2025President Von der Leyen at the EP Plenary: innovation, energy, economic resilience and securityMacron et Scholz promettent une Europe forte et unieDonald Trump is sworn in as the 47th US President in the USEU defense: invitation letter by President Costa to the members of the EU CouncilIn memoria del professor Raimondo Cagiano de AzevedoPoland takes over EU Presidency for the second time in its historyRomania and Bulgaria fully join Europe’s borderless travel zoneGerman election 2025: Parties present campaign platformsFrance : Lombard doit surtout préparer dans l’urgence un budget pour 2025France : la composition du nouveau gouvernement de François Bayrou, dévoiléeLa federazione mondiale di Alcide ScarabinoTwo months of election campaign in GermanyL'esito della selezione per la visita a StrasburgoThe fall of the Assad regime and the new Syria. Doubts and prudence from Brussels and European capitalsGeorgia: anti-EU President elected as protests continueLa France a son Premier Ministre, il s'agit de François BayrouRomanian court annuls result of presidential electionRéouverture de Notre-Dame: les dirigeants du monde entier à ParisECB's Lagarde says the outlook for the Eurozone is uncertainFrance, la fin du gouvernement Barnier : Macron parlera à la nationThe conclusions adopted by Cop 29 in Baku

Parliament re-elects Ursula von der Leyen as Commission President

19-07-2024 19:52


Europolitiche, Ursula Von der Leyen, von der leyen roeletta, Parliament re-elects Ursula von der Leyen as Commission President, giovedi 18 luglio 2024, july 18 ,

Parliament re-elects Ursula von der Leyen as Commission President

Il s’agira du deuxième mandat d’Ursula von der Leyen à la présidence de la Commission.E' il secondo mandato alla guida della Commissione UE

EN - With 401 votes in favour, the European Parliament elected Ursula von der Leyen as President of the European Commission in a secret ballot on 18 July.

This will be Ursula von der Leyen’s second term as Commission President. She was first elected by MEPs in July 2019.

Parliament is currently composed of 719 MEPs, so the necessary majority was 360 votes. The vote was held by secret paper ballot. 401 MEPs 




FR -  Le Parlement a élu Ursula von der Leyen Présidente de la Commission lors d’un vote à bulletin secret le 18 juillet, par 401 voix pour. Il s’agira du deuxième mandat d’Ursula von der Leyen à la présidence de la Commission. Elle avait été élue pour la première fois par les députés en juillet 2019. Le Parlement étant actuellement composé de 719 députés, la majorité requise pour l'élection du Président était de 360 ​​voix. Le vote aux urnes s'est déroulé au scrutin secret. 401 députés ont voté pour, 284 contre, 15 bulletins blancs et 7 bulletins nuls.

Giovedì 18 luglio, i deputati hanno eletto a Strasburgo Ursula von der Leyen Presidente della Commissione europea. Si tratta di una riconferma essendo stata eletta per la prima volta nel luglio 2019. La votazione si è svolta a scrutinio segreto. Su 707 deputati che hanno partecipato al voto, 401 hanno votato a favore, 284 contrari e 15 si sono astenuti. 7 le schede nulle. La maggioranza necessaria era di 360 voti. Prima del voto, Ursula von der Leyen ha presentato le sue priorità politiche per i prossimi cinque anni in un articolato dibattito in aula con i deputati. Dopo l'annuncio dei risultati del voto, von der Leyen, con Roberta Metsola, ha risposto alle domande dei giornalisti nella sala conferenze stampa del Parlamento Daphne Caruana Galizia.


Prossime tappe

La Presidente eletta della Commissione invierà ora delle lettere ufficiali ai capi di Stato o di governo degli Stati membri invitandoli a presentare i loro candidati per i posti di commissario europeo. Il Parlamento organizzerà dopo l'estate una serie di audizioni pubbliche dei candidati nelle commissioni competenti. L'intero collegio dei commissari dovrà poi essere approvato dal Parlamento.






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